Chief minister Vasundhara Raje’s Gaurav Yatra will head to Jaipur division from Thursday and her first stop here will be Dausa. Shunning the rath, the CM will board the helicopter to reach the venue of two public meetings. Dausa holds a great deal of value for the BJP because of sheer number of ST voters and dominance of Gurjars in the area. It is the same region from where the Gurjar reservation agitation took off and reached crescendo. Moreover, Sikandra in Dausa was the focal point of this agitation.
As per the schedule, Raje, like always, will first pay a visit to a temple and this time it will be Paplaj Mata temple. Visiting a temple is a customary fixture in her yatra itinerary. The temple is situated in Lalsot where she will reach via helicopter. Rajya Sabha MP Dr Kirodi Lal Meena was the MLA from Lalsot before he left the seat earlier this year after getting elected for Rajya Sabha. Last time, Meena had fought as candidate of National People’s Party and had defeated the BJP candidate. This time he is back in the BJP fold. Since the area is dominated largely by STs, therefore, Raje has tactically included visit to Meen Bhawan Temple in Nangal Rajawatan as well, as it is a revered place of Meena’s. Here too Raje will reach through helicopter.
Subsequently, there is a public meeting at Dausa, following another meeting at Bandikui. From here, Raje will get on to her hi-tech rath and proceed to address the third meeting in Rajgarh Alwar. For other areas- Baswa Bypass, Surer, Malakhera and Alwar- there is scheduled only one welcome ceremony sans public meeting.
However, it has been observed that during the day, on an average there are three public meetings and on the remaining places only yatra welcome will be organised. The yatra will halt at Alwar constituency on Thursday night. A total of 108 km will be covered which includes 45 nautical miles by helicopter and 63 km by road.
Dausa holds a great deal of value for the BJP because of sheer number of ST voters and dominance of Gurjars in the area. It is the same region from where the Gurjar reservation agitation took off and reached crescendo. Moreover, Sikandra in Dausa was the focal point of this agitation.
from Daily News & Analysis
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